“From fish to family planning”
By Dr Vik Mohan
Vik will be sharing his experiences of integrating health services with community based marine conservation in Madagascar and supporting the scale up of this approach across the coastal tropics.
Vik is a practicing GP in Exeter, Medical Director to Blue Ventures Conservation and architect of their award winning Population, Health and Environment (PHE) programme, which integrates community based health services with marine conservation and fisheries activities. He has witnessed first-hand the multiple benefits of working in this integrated and holistic way, from improved natural resource management and community resilience, through to improvements in maternal and child health. Over the last ten years he has overseen the expansion of this approach throughout Madagascar, and is working to support partners to replicate this approach for coastal communities in Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, the Comoros, Indonesia and East Timor.
Held at the University of Exeter's Business School, join us in Henderson Lecture Theatre at 6.45 pm on 14th March 2019.
Please sign up here: From fish to family planning