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Cosmic Laptop Refurb Project: Making a difference in Devon

By August 13, 2020January 26th, 2021Member News & Updates, STEMM

Cosmic have recently begun a laptop refurbishment project designed to reduce the number of devices being sent to land fill and recycling centres, giving laptops a new home with someone who needs it most. 

Did you know:

  • 40 million tons of electronic waste is generated every year, worldwide. That’s like throwing away 800 laptops every second. 
  • Components in e-waste pose a serious risk to our health and the environment.  E-waste comprises 70% of our overall toxic waste.

A lot of devices are discarded as companies and individuals look to upgrade to newer and faster models.  We’d love to redirect these unwanted devices to people who don’t currently have a the necessary hardware to access the internet and are missing out on vital services and opportunities. We are trialling this within our Positive People Project in Devon. We will be using participants on the project who have an interest in computers to help us refurbish the devices before being passed onto other participants, identified as needing them the most.  Not only does this provide a laptop to an individual, but it also provides an opportunity for people to learn IT maintenance skills.

We are asking for donations of any functioning but unwanted laptops you may have from your businesses. Get in touch if you are interested in helping and we can provide more detail.  Please contact us on [email protected].

Cosmic aim to overcome digital exclusion by delivering the best IT and digital advice, delivery and support services to all in order to reduce the digital divide. As part of this work, Cosmic delivers digital support, training and guidance to individuals and groups within the South West as part of a project called Positive People, funded by The European Social Fund and The National Lottery Community Fund.