Join us next Wednesday 11th November as Thomas Westcott Partner Mark Tibbert provides an update on today’s announcement for the further extension of the furlough scheme until March 2021, including a recap of how the relief works, what you need to consider and what has changed from the first version. Alongside this he will also provide an update on what other reliefs are available and have been extended, such as the SEISS.
We are also delighted to welcome as our guest speaker Jon Dunkley, Head of Employment Law at Wollens. Jon will be providing some insightful guidance on what you need to think of from an employment law perspective not only under the furlough scheme but also other areas employers should be considering as we all adapt to different working practices.
There will be an opportunity to ask our experts questions during a live Q&A session, however, it would be appreciated if you can submit your questions prior to the session so the speakers can identify any common themes and cover as much as possible.
This webinar is free to attend, however, we do require you to register beforehand, where you can also submit your question(s).“