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Exeter Chamber Brexit Business Impact Survey shows additional costs and time for businesses since 1st January

By February 11, 2021March 26th, 2021Surveys, The Director's Take, Why Exeter blog
Clodagh Murphy

Data from the Exeter Chamber Brexit Business Impact Survey reveals that 40% of businesses responding are facing extra costs due to Brexit changes and 39% are experiencing additional time implications.

The Exeter Chamber survey, carried out between 25th January to 7th February 2021, highlights the post-Brexit challenges that local businesses have experienced since 1 January. Courier, delivery and import costs play the biggest factor in increased costs for business while completing more complex paperwork and researching and understanding the new rules are having an impact on time. Delays at borders due to newly complicated customs paperwork are common for 47% of respondents who reported facing hold ups in their supply chain.

Clodagh Murphy, chair of Exeter Chamber says, “The results of our Brexit Impact survey really lay bare the untold stress on businesses since Brexit, compounding what is an already difficult time for a lot of businesses. Respondents to the survey have told us of additional export costs of between £700 and £1000 per load in one case and orders and deliveries that previously took one week now taking up to six weeks.

Clodagh continues, “We are aware that these are early days and some initial Brexit challenges for businesses could be expected and will be overcome. The real problem will be if these challenges continue to impact on businesses into and beyond this quarter, effecting longer term sales turnover, cashflow and ending trading relationships between UK and EU businesses. We will be using the data in this survey to lobby our government representatives to provide more support to Exeter businesses and other regional growth initiatives.”

Full survey results can be view HERE