If you’re a business owner or manager, you probably started that business in the hope that once it was up and running you’d achieve that perfect work/life balance. Perhaps you dreamed of longer weekends? More time for your hobbies or just evenings with the family?
The reality for many SME owners and managers is actually that you work through the evenings and often across the weekends, leaving little time for life outside of work.
Your cognitive load can be overwhelming.
Not only are you busy driving the business forward, planning your next strategic moves, but also you’re at the beck and call of all of your people too.
You get interrupted continuously; emails, instant messaging, phone calls, social media notifications. Meetings that are either unproductive or over run. It’s never ending. Meaning your focus time is limited.
There is good news however. There are many tools that are available to you now that can help free up your time, reduce the interruptions and allow you to focus more. The last few years have seen a huge increase in the amount of productivity tools being created, all with an aim to solve this lack of time crisis. Most of them are included in a Microsoft 365 subscription too, so you’re already probably paying for tools you’re just not using.
There are 5 areas we would recommend you focus on when it comes to your productivity.
- Scheduling
- Planning
- Workflows
- Automation
- Focus
We’ve written a free guide which outlines what these tools are and how you can use them, including our top tips for making the most of these handy tools.
Grab your free copy now and start reducing the interruption and getting stuff done.
If you’d like to speak to us about Microsoft 365 for your business give us a call on 01392 796 779 or email us [email protected].
Alternatively you can find out more about Microsoft 365 here.